Young Athletes (6 - 16 years)
Our Young Athletes (children aged 6 - 11 years) are principally based at Crossford Bridge. There’s further provision for endurance training at the Wythenshawe Park track and at Sportcity in East Manchester. These venues provide varied opportunities for children from six years upwards to receive coaching and to compete in all types of athletic events in a child friendly atmosphere, within groups of their own age band:
- All club coaches are licensed by UK Athletics.
- Many have first aid certificates
- All have an active Child Protection Policy under which the coaches and helpers are checked by the Criminal Records Bureau.
- The club holds an Equity in Sport policy
- Children train in child friendly environments
- Codes of Conduct for children, parents and coaches are published at the Crossford Bridge site.
During the summer months (April - September), all three facilities use their respective outdoor tracks (Sportcity also has an indoor track facility) and children are coached in various track and field events. During winter months (October to March), children 'run out' and train away from the clubhouse. As such, reflective bibs must be worn for safety reasons. These can be purchased at Crossford Bridge.
On leaving primary school, the children progress into Young Athletes groups (age 12 - 17). Those who’ve trained at Crossford Bridge on Sunday and Tuesday can continue to do as usual with an additional Thursday evening training session (7 - 8pm). As they progress through secondary school, many will become integrated into the training at Wythenshawe Park and/or Sportcity dependent on their chosen events. However a place is always available to remain at Crossford Bridge in other directions e.g. Group Helpers / Young Coaches / Track Officials, etc.
Crossford Bridge
Danefield Road
M33 7BG
Training Sessions
Tuesdays: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Sundays: 10:30am - 12:00pm
Training continues during school holidays. Newcomers can participate up to 3 times at £2.50 per session. If they wish to continue after this point, they need to become a member. Cost for membership is £35 p/a.
Each training session thereafter is £2 for members
To join, or if you have any other queries, please email saleharriersprimarysection@gmail.com
Colour Groups
For coaching purposes the Crossford Bridge Young Athletes are divided into colour groups by age and ability. The younger athletes (6 - 7 years) start in the Yellow or Blue Groups. Their progression is then into the Red Group, Green Group, White Group, Purple Group (multi events) or Middle Distance girls and boys. Each group has a team of qualified coaches and helpers.
Crossford Bridge
The booking system will be amended weekly around coach numbers and availability. The spaces for the Sunday sessions will be released on to the booking site on a Thursday morning. I will be posting reminders on the Facebook page. If your group is not available on this site or there are no spaces left unfortunately this mean either the group isn’t running due to coach availability or the session is full. Please do NOT turn up without a booking or try to book onto another groups session.
We all need to keep each other safe so, in order for your child to return to training you must do Three things:
- Book You child a space on the training session on our online booking system . Spons.
- Read the new rules below and discuss them with your Athlete.
Help us operate a safe site
When you arrive, first please register your child’s Attendance and pay the subs - the single registration point will be set up and helpers will be pointing you in the right direction. Once registered you child will be directed to their group to be met by the coach.
Please arrive with plenty of time to sign in an join the group. The gates will be shut at 10:30. Late comers will be turned away.
Please provide and waterproof bag in which your child can store their clothing and water bottle( after the warm up)
If you are wanting to run with your child you need to also register and complete a separate health Declaration. Please speak with the group coach to make sure there is space to do so.
- Don't forget to pay your childs membership to Sale Harriers which is paid from 1st January each year.
Any questions regarding the primary Section please drop an Email to saleharriersprimarysection@gmail.com and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Many Thanks
Crossford Bridge Coaches
Wythenshawe Park
Wythenshawe Park,
M23 0AB
Coaches & Training Sessions
Click on a coach name below to contact them for further information
Young Athletes
- Dave Marsh Years 4-13 (age 8 to 18) Monday & Wednesday
- 6-7pm at the Wythenshawe track.
- Contact Dave at davidgmarsh@yahoo.co.uk or phone 07583 333503
- Dave Lowe - Tuesday & Thursday 7:00pm - 8:30pm,
Sunday 10:00am - 12:00pm
Session fee is £2.